You can setup policies to manage users folders however the default schedule to run is never so you need to
Windows: Need a boot disk image for Windows 98 or older???
Visit this site for boot disk images for all your old school needs!
Windows: Drive Imaging on the Cheap!
You will need a USB drive for this and the drive must have 1 partition or a network smb share
Windows XP: Speed it up with Desktop Heap
Windows XP is showing its age. Many people still need to use it due to application compatibility. Users today are
Mcafee: Adding Exceptions for dropbox
Go to Virus Scan Console right click on Access Protection and go to properties. Go to Common Standard Protection. (dropbox
NAS: Good NAS for home use by Synology
This is pretty cool for home. I helped someone setup dyndns with it and forward ports on their router. They
Windows 7: Managing 2008 Domain with RSAT
Install MS Remote Server Administration tools. Once RSAT is done you can run APPWIZ.cpl and turn windows features on
SQL 2000/2005/2008: Email Database Sizes Report
The Query for Master Datbase to Create the Stored Procedure: Set ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE
SQL 2008: Culture 2155 Error on Windows 2003 Server
Research will indicate that you need to reinstall .net framework. Do not bother. This error stems from having to reinstall
Windows 7: Roaming Profiles vs Windows XP
Windows uses the “.v2” extension to distinguish between version 1 and version 2 profiles. Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and